Last minute love stories…

So let’s be honest, we weren’t really interested in the cabinet reshuffle that’s just taken place. The only news that’s grabbed our attention this week is the announcement that the nation’s sweetheart Cheryl Cole has only gone and got married in secret.

Now, we’re romantics at heart and so we’re going to overlook the fact that she only met her new hubby a mere three months ago. When you know, you know.

According to numerous reports, Ms Cole is now Mrs Fernandez-Versini after whisking a very select bunch of family and friends off to the Caribbean island of Mustique for a private ceremony last week.

So what’s the rush to get hitched and is a last minute wedding something you’d consider?

There’s a very romantic notion that says “why wait?” when you’ve met your life partner, but let’s remember, a last minute wedding isn’t always the impulsive result of a whirlwind romance.

Some couples have been together years, have an established home, maybe children, and haven’t previously seen the need to tie the knot. When they do decide to get married, there’s no desire to wait for 12 or 18 months to ensure every detail is perfect, it’s more about making a commitment to one another, and doing it as soon as possible.

Maybe you’re getting married for the second time and feel you’ve already done the traditional big build up to a wedding, and don’t want to spend the next year or so planning and saving for a one day event.

Last minute deal = a shrewd financial choice

On a purely practical level, if you are flexible on dates and are ready to get married in the next few months, a last minute wedding is often an excellent opportunity to secure the venue and services of your dreams, at a much more affordable rate.

It stands to reason that with many venues booking up to 3 years in advance, and florists, photographers and bands equally in demand, it can be costly to secure high-end suppliers who are able to sell their services many times over.

As with any booked event, events out of our control mean cancellations do happen, and less popular days of the week will normally be a more financially viable option.

And remember, just because you’re planning a last minute event, doesn’t mean you have to compromise on any of the details that are important to you. Your secured venue will be able to offer you the same accommodation, same catering and same location regardless of which date your wedding takes place on. Your photographs won’t look any different on a Wednesday in 9 weeks time, than on a Saturday in 20 months!

Now, we’ve got to be honest and admit that we don’t think Cheryl chose a last minute option because she’s strapped for cash. Did you see the size of the ring? So, the gossip mill has gone into overdrive suggesting she’s either a) pregnant or b) hoping her new single due for release in a week may find it easier to chart!

Either way, we wish the new Mr and Mrs Fernandez-Versini a long and happy marriage, and if they’d like to book a party to celebrate their nuptials for all those unlucky souls who weren’t flown first class to the Caribbean, we know a stunning venue in the Cotswolds that would fit the bill nicely!

For the rest of us normal folk, if the thought of waiting a couple of years to make it official doesn’t appeal, then give one of our lovely wedding planners a call and see which dates are currently available for one of Manor by the Lake’s incredible value last minute wedding packages.


Get in touch to secure this fabulous winter wedding date - Sunday 8th December 2024

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